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  • Writer's pictureJessica

I'm back!

Dear Readers,

I would first like to take this moment to apologize for my absence. I planned on writing a post every month, and well, I kind of dropped the ball there. I have had so many incredible adventures since I last wrote...probably too many to include in this post...but I will do my best to provide some snapshots of my world travels.

On February 19th I flew to Madrid, Spain, a vibrant city with a mix of modern and old. I walked everywhere: to the Plaza Mayor, the Palace, the Prado Museum, the Plaza del Sol, the opera house, the parks -- the list of places I saw goes on and on! I spent hours in museums, studying the works of the great Spanish artists from Velasquez to Picasso to Goya (but unfortunately, no Barnett Newman). I ate lots of tapas, paella, churros, and croquettas, drank wine and sangria, and basked in the Spanish sun. Though I was alone, I relished the opportunity to walk and see on my own schedule and to take my time getting lost in the cobblestoned streets. I would definitely recommend Madrid as a must-see European destination.

Three days later I hopped on a plane again, this time to Lisbon, Portugal. Though a less wealthy and stereotypically tourist-y city than Madrid, Lisbon was charming in its anachronism. The hills of colorful fishing homes with tiled walls overlooked the expansive ocean, and as I kept walking up and up and up, the sights and smells of the city only seemed to become more vibrant and rich. I remember stepping out of the train station downtown and saying to myself, "Oh my God," for the bright yellow, pink, and blue buildings, cloudless sky, and salty ocean breeze were overwhelming to the senses. Drinking green wine, eating my fill of pastel de nata and fish cakes, and hiking the never-ending hills is an experience I will never forget.

My last leg of this trip brought me to the countryside of England (with easy access to Oxford and London!), where I stayed with my cousin Ruth and her husband Graham. I have never met kinder people or seen a house so charming and traditional. Their home at Swan Bottom used to be a blacksmith's house, and the classic elements still exist within the brick walls of the now-updated cottage. Ruth organized a feast for me and the family, and I was introduced to cousins I had never met before. How moving it was to be united with family from overseas, to maintain such a close relationship despite vast distances and busy schedules. While seeing family was one of the highlights, I also took day trips to Oxford to explore the different college campuses and to London, where I revisited my suite in Buckingham Palace ;) and received a private viewing of 18 of Barnett Newman's prints! This weekend of family was the perfect conclusion to an exciting European excursion.

Thanks to my loving parents (aka the best people in the world), I was able to return home for five weeks, as well. In that time, we celebrated birthdays, Passover, and sat through three Nor'easters and four days without power (but don't fret, I had Harry Potter to keep me company, which made my sister very happy). I was able to visit Jeffrey and watch him play music for a new audience (who, of course, were all in awe of his talent). And I met up with some old friends -- I feel lucky that they are still in my life. While the month was also filled with some sad events, it was an overall relaxing break and welcomed return to my home.

I am back in Germany now, and while the time change is still throwing me off a little bit, I am readjusting pretty well to my last months here. The weather is now sunny and warm (finally!) and the teaching has commenced with a new class of interested students. And the traveling will continue! On the line-up is Frankfurt, Munich, London (again to visit family -- so excited!), Bologna, and probably another place or two. This year has been filled with ups and downs, joy and despair, ease and challenges, but the light is at the end of the tunnel, and I know it has been an important step for my growth, my independence, my self-awareness, and my future. I cannot thank the people who have supported me and stuck with me throughout this journey enough. You know who you are.

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